28/01/25 Quiz Night – Love Is In The Air!
By popular demand, our successful and fun quiz night is back! February 15th at Debenham URC. Tables/teams are a maximum of 6, but if you’re short of numbers, we can normally pair you up with others on the night so you can form a team so you don’t feel outnumbered! To book your table please see the poster below for contact details.
And it goes without saying, we’ll have another of our fantastic raffles. The raffle at Christmas was incredibly popular – we’re incredibly grateful for everyone who supports us to raise funds. These funds are vital to be able to keep the community benefit society running and support our essential costs like insurance, website costs, accountancy, Financial Services Authority compliance, etc.
21/02/25 Planning Appeal
You may already be aware but there will be a Hearing into the Appeal concerning the Full Planning Application for Change of Use of The Angel Inn from public house to residential at 10am on Tuesday 4th February at Debenham Leisure Centre. The Hearing is open to the public and at the discretion of the Inspector appointed by the secretary of state, some attendees may be called on to give their views.
The original Planning Application was opposed by all public responders and by the Parish Council. MSDC Planning committee duly refused the Application. The Angel’s owners appealed that decision, and the Hearing is the next step in that process.
We don’t know the exact format the Hearing will take but DACL will have representatives at the event and will have prepared a statement expressing our views in anticipation of being called to speak. In order to emphasise that we are speaking on behalf of the community, it would be beneficial for as many supporters to attend as possible. If you can spare the time then please make every effort to do so.